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The first Top Gun was NAVY Lt. Jerry Beaulier.
James Harvey of the AIR FORCE falsely claims to be "the first Top Gun" but this is stolen valor.
#FirstTopGun   FirstTopGun.com

American Veterans Center (703)-302-1012 about their email about "The first Top Gun" (which is Navy), Air Force Tuskagee Airman James Harvey. I told them the first Top Gun was White, and they should stop the anti-White narrative, as if the movie should star Eddie Murphy instead of Tom Cruise.

American Veterans Center
1100 N. Glebe Rd. Ste 910
Arlington, VA 22201


During Black History Month we hear a lot about US Air Force Lt. James Harvey being "the first Top Gun". But this is not true. First of all, Top Gun is the NAVY' Fighter Weapons School. Harvey was listed at the bottom of the USAF Fighter Gunnery trophy for 1949, for winning Conventional Class of propeller planes. At the top of the list, in the fast Jet Class is Captain Vermont Garrison.

BLM falsely alleges discrimination in the military by claiming that Harvey's win in Conventional Class planes was "hidden". It was not. The trophy has been on display in the National Museum of the Air Force at the Wright Patterson AFB in Ohio. On the contrary, BLM hides the fact that a White is at the top of the trophy winning the Jet Class competition.

To appease Harvey and BLM, a new plaque was made in 2022 only mentioning his name and team, not the Whites, such as Captain Garrison, who also won the 1949  trophy.

BLM falsely claims that Harvey's team, in WW1 class planes, beat Whites in WW2 class planes.  This is false.  There were two separate competitions.

Captain Garrison shot down 17 enemy planes in WW2 and Korea. Lt. Harvey did not shoot down any. But BLM claims he is the "hero" and "first Top Gun".

See more info and photos at: www.FirstTopGun.com 


"First Top Gun" lie. Lt. Harvey won Conventional Class and Captain Vermont Garrison won Jet Class
During Black History Month we hear a lot about US Air Force Lt. James Harvey being "the first Top Gun". But this is not true. First of all, Top Gun is the NAVY Fighter Weapons School. Harvey was listed at the bottom of the USAF Fighter Gunnery trophy for 1949, for winning Conventional Class of propeller planes. At the top of the list, in the fast Jet Class is Captain Vermont Garrison.
BLM falsely alleges discrimination in the military by claiming that Harvey's win was "hidden" causing racial tension. It was not. The trophy has been on display in the National Museum of the Air Force at the Wright Patterson AFB in Ohio. On the contrary, BLM hides the fact that Whites are listed at the top of the trophy winning the Jet Class competition.
To appease Harvey and BLM, a new plaque was made in 2022 only mentioning his name and team, not the Whites, such as Captain Garrison, who also won the 1949 trophy and shot down 17 planes in WW2 and Korea. More info at FirstTopGun.com .

Fake "Top Gun Winner" James Harvey of US Air Force won the Conventional Class (slow propellers) a training exercise but never shot down a US enemy. Captain Vermont Garrison won the same trophy in the Jet Class in 1949, and shot down 17 enemy planes.
Real first Top Gun Lt. Jerry Beaulier of the US NAVY shot down Viet Cong jet on March 28, 1970.